39: Jade Jingco on being an ICU nurse during COVID-19


Hi everybody, and thank you for listening to episode 39 of the Learn With Lels podcast!

On this episode, I spoke with my sister Jade Jingco, an ICU nurse who’s been on the frontlines, fighting COVID-19 and caring for some of our sickest patients during this pandemic.

In our conversation we talked about:

  • how COVID-19 has changed Jade’s workload;

  • her thoughts on people’s claims that COVID is a hoax/not a big deal; and

  • some of the terrible things she’s seen in her unit during this difficult time.

This conversation is just so important right now. I’ve seen some seriously troubling things on social media of people spreading harmful misinformation about this pandemic. 

Since Jade works with COVID patients every day, she was able to share REAL stories, facts, and feelings from inside the ICU.

She’s seen some really sad and horrible things, and I’m grateful for her and all the other health-care workers for doing this exhausting work during this seriously tough time. 

I hope you enjoy and learn from this emotional conversation! 

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