38: Lessons from guests 21 to 30


Hi everybody, and thank you for listening to episode 38 of the Learn With Lels podcast.

This episode is the third Learn With Lels lesson compilation episode. 

At the end of every conversation, I ask guests: “What’s something you’ve been learning lately?” and “What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned in life so far?” This episode has the answers of guests 21 to 30. 

This group includes multiple therapists who talk about anxiety, careers, and breakups. It also includes environmental activists, an eating disorder researcher, a lake surfer, a tattoo artist, a van dweller, and the first internationally adopted person in Ontario. It’s a mixed bag, but I like it that way!

I had so much fun listening back to these great lessons—even though I recorded these a while ago, I feel like I really needed to re-listen to these messages. I hope you get some value out of them, too!

If you like this podcast, please subscribe wherever you listen, and follow me on social for more content (@LearnWithLels on Instagram and @KaitlinJingco on LinkedIn and Twitter).